My friend recommended this game when it came out in 2022, and while the trailer seemed good, I was put off by his description about how the game has limited inventory. If there is one thing I hate more that inventory tetris, it's constrained inventory, especially in puzzle games where you often have to find and hold onto several items to solve puzzles.

The game only lets you hold onto 6 items at a time. It has the same "storage box" mechanic that is similar from the Resident Evil games, in every save room there is a box, and whatever you put in the box is going to show up all the other boxes in the other save rooms. I think the creators also realized that this might be off putting for a lot of people, so in one of the patches they added the option to turn off the inventory limit. I decided I'm going to try and go for the "original" experience, but this is a super nice addition, nonetheless.

The 6 item limitation turned out to be only a small frustration. You almost always have to visit every room multiple times, so even if you can't pick up a consumable right now, you will come around later again. I recommend people try it, and turn it off if you find it too frustrating.

The game has a very "atmospheric horror" vibe, you are crash landing on a planet that is running some mining operation, there are weird human like creatures lurking around, there signs of alien influence, and notes chronicling how the crew succumbed to illness and madness. There are 0 jump scares, if you are worried about that. Gunplay is quite light and enjoyable, the game gives you more than enough ammo for it to not be a problem.

I felt the puzzles were well designed, I only had to look up 1 solution, and the length of the game is just perfect, it does not get boring by the end.

The story felt non-sensical to me, but not in the Resident Evil "your hands grow back, and your daughter is this amber liquid in a jar" way. The only thing I knew for sure is that I'm looking for someone. I had no idea:

  • Who am I
  • Why I'm looking for that person
  • Where am I
  • Which segments are in the past? Future? Is this all a dream?

The game gives you a lot of lore pieces, but they are either super "surface level", or "very deep level", with not much inbetween to connect these together. It does give you some pointers on the above four points, but it never spells anything out in a concrete way. Don't take this too negatively, the game is still super enjoyable, it probably has to do more with my preferences (or I'm just being dumb). I did read up on the story after finishing it, and I find other people's interpretation interesting.

Overall, super nice game and highly recommended. I finished it in 6.7 hours. The end game hints that there is some secret extra content, but I don't think I will ever replay it, one time was enough.